Welcome to Sabanci University antenna and radio frequency research group website. We hope to provide you with information you need. To get information, you can use side navigation or contacts us via email.
Who we are
Our group consists of both PhD and Master students working under supervision of Prof. Ibrahim Tekin. Sabanci University antenna and RF group is located in Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey.
What we do
Our research areas cover various topics of microwave engineering especially designing antennas and RF active circuitry. Our works include both theoretical and practical phases. To conduct practical experiment we take advantages of well-equipped and high-tech laboratories, like SUNUM, at Sabanci University. For example, we have millimeter-wave (W-band) measurement setup for our antennas and active circuitries. Automotive radar at 77GHz is our ongoing project. This high tech radar system can be used at cars for collision avoidance, park aiding and navigation. This project includes designing antenna, LNAs, phase shifter and etc.
Our general research interests include:
- Antenna and Propagation Modeling
- RF circuits
- High frequency circuits(Low Noise Amplifier, phase shifter and etc)
- Millimeter wave antennas and circuits measurement setup
- Indoor positioning GPS system